"Let Food be thy Medicine." Is Your Diet Adequate in Providing Essential Brain and Body Food? Does Your Diet Include Enough Antioxidants to Combat Disease?

All Cellular Wellness Begins with Nutrition. That's well understood by science, but usually not emphasized in the daily practice of modern medicine. With advancements in technology, non-invasive cell analysis can be performed. Your questions of " what should I avoid, what should I eat, or what supplements should I take" can be answered with nutritional education and biomarker analysis. Get Scanned and Understand with Weiss education Tailored to You.

Nutrition Assessment with Carotenoid Scan - Service includes nutrition and supplement education based on client food intake assessment. The session includes a Carotenoid Scan (see below).

Carotenoid Scan - A non-invasive biophotonic scanner is used to measure carotenoids, revealing whether or not your regular diet and/or supplementation is providing adequate levels of antioxidants needed to maintain optimal health and combat disease. The scan is more accurate than blood testing and will give results immediately. Evidenced based research indicate carotenoids are essential for reducing the risk of all cause morbidity and mortality. Get scanned and get your baseline score today. 


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